In these times of uncertainty it can be easy to get pulled into fear, anxiety or panic. But weirdly - I feel nothing but peace, confidence, gratitude and joy. I am viewing all of this as an opportunity to get back to the basics, to the core of why I do what I do and to shift my focus and attention back to the things that really matter.
Can I speak some truth to you for a moment?
I see your fear. I see your struggle. I see your turmoil and anguish. And I raise you a point that may not be easy to hear, but one that changed my life forever.
Gratitude is a choice. Joy is a choice (note: Joy and happiness are two different things to me). Faith and hope are choices.
To me, these are not feelings, they are decisions and lifestyles that we have the privilege of choosing.
Even in the midst of absolute chaos and madness in the world, I am choosing to focus on what is in my control and focus on the beauty ahead of us. To focus on the positive that is constantly happening around us, and how humanity is binding itself together to support one another right now.
I choose to believe that God will turn this all for good, even if my circumstances don't look amazing. I choose to believe that He will come through and perform crazy miracles and show His power, even if it doesn't always feel like it.
I truly believe that God sees you and He cares about you and your family. I believe He sees your struggle and turmoil and He wants to bring comfort and peace into whatever that situation may look like. Peace and comfort unlike any you have ever felt before.
God is a good Father and He cares and loves every single person who has walked this planet.
He CAN and HAS defeated death, and EVERYTHING will bow to the name of Jesus.
He will turn EVERYTHING for good and for victory, if we allow Him in and allow Him to take the reigns of our lives.
He has a plan, a destiny and a calling on your life that nobody else can fulfil. I 100% believe it when I say that you have a voice that can change people's lives and bring hope into disastrous situations.
So we have a choice to make right now. Are we going to add more voices to the despair, fear and panic or are we going to choose to believe in hope and spread gratitude, love and joy in this situation?
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